Wash Types
Normal Garment Wash
Garment washing is a technology which is applied to change or modify the outlook, appearance, comfortability, and design of garments. washing effect could be varied by altering wash temperature, wash duration, quantity of detergent or softener used etc.
Enzyme wash
Enzyme wash is done on the apparels made out of heavy fabrics like twill, denim, oxford, heavy jersey etc. Cellulose biodegradable enzyme is used for this type of wash. These cellulose enzymes reduces the projecting hairy cotton fibres of the fabric surfaces and also removes colour. As a result an irregular colour fading effect is produced.
Stone wash
This is a traditional method of washing Denims and other heavy fabrics like Canvas. Even though it is not widely used due to the environmental impact from stone waste this wash type remains in the market. It gives a newly manufactured garment a worn-out appearance. This process increases the softness and flexibility of stiff and rigid fabrics. Pumice stone is used during wash to give garments worn-in or worn-out effects. Different types of irregular color fading effect is produced with Stone washing. Moreover, shrinkage also occurs in apparels resulting correct size of the garments.
Bleach wash
The bleaching is usually carried out by strong oxidizing agents. For this process the most widely used chemicals are sodium hypo-chlorite, calcium hypo-chlorite, hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate bases. This gives the garment a more used look and a brighter out-look. Furthermore, in heavy Bleach wash other effects are merged and diffused when compared to Medium Stone Wash.
Enzyme stone wash
Used for heavy abrasion and worn-out look where the base colour is remained on the dark side.
Bleach-stone wash
It is used for quick fadeout of the garment with good abrasion.
Acid wash
Apparels made from denim and heavy jeans fabric are normally considered for acid wash. Fading effect is produced in irregular pattern using pumice stone soak with potassium permanganate. Garments like trousers and jackets are frequently washed using acid wash technique.
E-Soft wash
e-softener Flow technology is the more recent sustainable textile solution to transfer chemicals / softener onto garments. Conventionally water is used as the carrier and, at the end of every cycle, that water, still brimming with chemical products, goes to waste.
e-softener solution is a creative a new system in which air from the atmosphere is transformed into nano bubbles and just the right quantity of softener products naturally distributes themselves forming the nano bubble skin. They become the carriers of the chemical products and transmit them homogeneously onto the garment.
e-Flow technology can accomplish a considerable number of finishing effects with the highest quality, and minimal amount of water and zero discharge.
Rubber Ball wash
Rubber ball wash is a garment and softener wash. In this process, garments will be softer and with abbrated look.
Dry Process
Denim dry process is carried out prior to wet process. It changes the visual appearance by mechanical abrasion without altering the construction and properties. The garment gets a nice appearance after dry process and also it adds value to the product. Many fashionable garments are produced by the are included with dry processes.
Hand sand
This technique is used for getting a used abraded surface on the denim garments. Verities of looks and designs can be produced by using hand sanding or hand brushing.
These are all manual processes & every garment will look unique & different.
whiskers are one of the most important design of a used look garment. The idea of whiskers is taken from the worn out lines and impression patterns generated by natural wearing on hips and front thigh area. On old jeans, a number of patterns can be found consequential to fabric, body shape of user or sitting posture. It is also known as Cat's Whisker.
3D Whiskers
This is a different type of whiskering which is applied after wet process. Bringing 3D effect on denim garments by treating with resins is called 3D crinkle. This process is done manually or semi automatically. Various supporting auxiliaries are used for better penetration of resins and softeners.
PP Process
Potassium permanganate spray is applied on jeans to take a bright effect on hand sand /brush area. this is usually a sporting process to increase the effect of hand sand or hand brush. local abraded area to appear whiter and worn out look than back ground indigo color shade.
These are all manual processes & every garment will look unique & different than others.
Destroyed / Grinding
One of the most popular distressing effects currently, Destruction’ is an art which make denim look unique & used. To make destruction pen type of stone tools being used in mid of wash process to apply on desired area. These are all manual processes & every garment will look unique & different than others.
Crushing and resin finish
The garment is tied with thread or net or rope which is then resin treated.. Overall crinkle is done on all types of fabrics like denim, twill , canvas , poplin , knit , viscose , nylon etc. This is done with all types of dry and wet processes. This is very popular and widely used in denims now a days.
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